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Using Surveys for Data Collection


Online surveys in Dubai are a great tool to collect data from a targeted group of people. You can collect data about their opinions, behavior or knowledge. Surveys are commonly used with key stakeholders, especially customers and employees, to discover needs or assess satisfaction. If you collected the data for your business then the collected data can inform how satisfied are customers with your product or service. Based on responses you can improve for greater satisfaction of the customers.

When to Use an Online Survey

  • When identifying customer requirements or preferences.
  • When assessing customer or employee satisfaction, such as identifying or prioritizing problems to address.
  • When evaluating proposed changes.
  • When assessing whether a change was successful.
  • Periodically, to monitor changes in customer or employee satisfaction over time.

Simple Step to Run a Survey

You can run a survey by your own. However if you are planning to involve larger audience [e.g. 100+ respondents] it is often worthwhile to seek assistance of some research organization. Here are few steps to keep in view in order to make your survey most useful.

    1. Decide what you want to learn from the survey and how you will use the results.
    2. Decide who should be surveyed. Identify population groups; if they are too large to permit surveying everyone, decide how to obtain a sample. Decide what demographic information is needed to analyze and understand the results.
    3. Decide whether the survey’s answers will be numerical rating, numerical ranking, yes–no, multiple choice or open-ended—or a mixture.
    4. Brainstorm survey questions. Narrow down the list of questions to the absolute minimum that you must have to learn what you need to learn.
    5. Test the survey with a small group. It is a good practice, especially when you are planning to run the survey on a larger audience. Based on feedback understand:
      • Which questions were confusing?
      • Were any questions redundant?
      • Were answer choices clear? Were they interpreted as you intended?
      • Did respondents want to give feedback about topics that were not included? (Open-ended questions can be an indicator of this.)
      • On the average, how long did it take for a respondent to complete the survey?
      • Were there any typos or printing errors?

Also test the live results in Surview’s Analyze Results panel to ensure you have the data as you needed.

  1. Revise the survey based on test results.
  2. Run the final the survey.

For assistance contact Surview team at info@surview.ae or +971 55 558 6803.